Which finish should I use on my wood floors


Water base on Brazilian cherry

When you get estimates to refinish your hardwood floors you get different opinions from contractors. I often hear from customers things like “the other contractor told me oil base is better than water base”. Each contractor will tell you a different story about which finish you should put on your floors. Which finish or contractor should you choose? It is crucial that you understand a major principal: It is never just the finish you put down that counts.

A good finish is a result of not only a good product but a few more factors:

  • How the wood surface was prepared; what sanding sequence and which machines were used.
  • The person applying the finish – was he/she following the instructions like spread rate and drying conditions.
  • The finish itself – you can never get a good finished floor with a cheap inferior product.
  • The right finish for the right floor.
  • The right finish for the right customer (future use). I will recommend one finish for a young family with kids and a different one for an older couple without kids or pets.

When you debate whether or not you should put oil base, water base, wax or oil on the floor make sure you get the facts, not just opinions. The contractor you are about to hire should have the experience, education, credentials and most importantly the same standards as you.