Oak Refinish in Richmond, CA

Many homes in Richmond, CA have hardwood floors that were covered with carpets, laminate floor or painted over. As the Bay Area gets more crowded and the demand for land rises, home owners now shop for properties in areas less desirable in the past; areas like Oakland and Richmond. Many homes were neglected over the years and aside large expenses to remodel or add to their home, consumers understand the value in restoring their wood floors. The impact of refinishing your wood floors is immediate, beautiful and not as expensive as other remodel costs. Refinishing your wood floors should be done before you move into your new home.

At Avi’s Hardwood Floors we use our experience, education and the latest technology in dust contained floor sanders to assure a job well done. In this featured project we were called to refinish an odd floor. The floor was sanded before but had obvious sanding marks and gauges in it. It also had several dark stains from water damage and pets urine.

We collected woods from different sources to match the existing for repairs, sanded the floor flat and applied three coats of commercial water base urethane.

The home owner was very happy with the price, the quality and the time it took us to complete the work.

1 Oak Refinish Richmond Before
Step 1

Step 1 - Oak Refinish Richmond Before

2 Oak Refinish Richmond Before
Step 2

Step 2 - Oak Refinish Richmond Before

3 Oak Refinish Richmond Before
Step 3

Step 3 - Oak Refinish Richmond Before

4 Oak Refinish Richmond After
Step 4

Step 4 - Oak Refinish Richmond After

5 Oak Refinish Richmond After
Step 5

Step 5 - Oak Refinish Richmond After